Step One | Step Two | Step Three | Step Four | Guidance | Extra Resource | FAQ
Welsh Government Sponsor Guidelines
These Guidelines outline in detail the process of becoming a sponsor/host and what happens and what you need to expect in terms of the various checks required.
It is a huge commitment offering to share your home for six months or more. We would encourage you to talk through your offer with your family and explore all the various impacts it will have on the whole family. If you are a member of a church, we would suggest you talk it through with your Vicar/Pastor. It’s all about sharing the emotional burden and being thoroughly prepared.
Your Local Authority has been given Guidelnes from the Welsh Government - it useful to know what your Local Government is offering in terms of wrap-around care for your Ukrainian guests
step one
You will need to find a way to be matched with a Ukrainian individual/family.
1. Make your pledge to be a sponsor here.
2. Register your interest on the government website.
3. Direct Ukrainian refugees to RESET's site to register.
Here is a tool which does exactly what we need. It matches “looking for” with “offering”. Offering refugees a safe place to stay.
4. Home for Ukraine .gov scheme
The scheme opened on 18 March for visa applications from those who wish to come to the UK from Ukraine and who have named people in the UK willing to sponsor them. Either the prospective sponsor or the person wishing to be sponsored is able to complete the application. There is one single application for both parties but one form is required per individual travelling under the scheme.
Please note that a separate form must be completed for each person wishing to be sponsored. So for example, if a sponsor wishes to apply for a mother and a child, then two application forms are required albeit with the same sponsor. Or if a Ukranian couple wish to apply they both complete separate forms.
Getting ready | Making Preparations
When a Visa application is accepted your Local Authority will be in touch either before, or after, your Ukrainian guests have arrived. They will then arrange for an appropriate DBS, if necessary, for you.
However, as part of your preparation, looking into Safeguarding Training would be valuable.
The Welsh Government recommends everyone involved, in any regard, with volunteering to support Ukrainian Refugees should complete the Social Care Wales Group A Safeguarding e-learning course. This has just been made public and is accessible for all.
Resources to help to help you and your Ukrainian guests prepare
Red Cross have detailed guidelines.
Advice for Ukrainians arriving in the UK (English)
Інформація для громадян України, які прибувають до Великобританії
Excellent resources from The European Freedom Network.
Guidance on Mental Health Support in Ukrainian from The Inter-Agency Standing Committee.
On our Resources page are some useful resources for trauma awareness and cultural understanding.
The RefAid mobile app shows migrants, refugees and those who help them. Showing services near them on a map with a very simple interface. A web-based content management and communication system allows trusted aid organisations to manage and update their services and to get their critical aid to where it is most urgently needed.
STEP Three
Explore the support network in your community/area. Your community appreciates the extraordinary generosity you are extending and they want to support you.
There may be a Local Community Welcome and Support Hub in your area. On this website we will be including resources and people who can help you - interpreters, counsellors, transport, form filling, social and cultural events etc. We are even hoping to have opportunities for you and your family to have a break in holiday accommodation being offered.
The key is to get ready in advance and know how to access all the requirements you and your guests will have. You will discover some useful discussions on our resources page.
We are running Training Events - keep an eye on our News Blog and the resources we post afterwards
Arranging transport for your guests. The chances are you will need to help your Ukrainian guests travel to Wales. This may be booking flights, trains etc. Once in Wales public transport is free. It is worth seeing if there is any funding help for the travel costs.
extra Resources
Language Support
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Helping Ukrainians into Jobs