
We are so grateful that you would like to support Link International Innovation.

Regular gifts are very important to us: they allow us to plan ahead effectively so we can make a sustainable difference around the world.

If you can't commit to regular giving right now we would still be very grateful to receive one-off donations.

Financial Scrutiny

The Trustees are committed to ensuring all donations are used in accordance with the donor’s intentions. In order to ensure this happens they have rigorous due diligence processes including:

  1. Policies and Reviews in accordance with the Charity Commission, banking and insurance regulations

  2. Regular site visits by a highly experienced independent consultant who has volunteered with Link International Innovation for many years and worked in the charity sector overseas extensively. Reporting is completed in line with the Charity Commission guidance

  3. Regular news updates on our news blog


We are involved with a number of exciting projects. To find out more you can head over to our Projects area, where you can find out more about each project, along with ways you can financially support individual projects.